First they braked through in Europe, now it was time for the USA. Tokio Hotel has done the inpossible-having sucsess in Hollywood.

Of course we dream about braking through the marked in USA, did Tokio Hotel tell us, when we met them in London. Almost a year after the dream has been reality.
Recently they did also win the price for Best New Artist, when MTV Music Awards was hold in Los Angeles.
“We have no chanse to win”, Bill said before the show. As almost the only ones who weren’t from America, they suprised them selfs and won the price.

Hollywood concert;
Earlier this autom, when the boys was promoting for the record “Scream America”, in Hollywood&Higland Los Angeles, they managed to take the movietown and USA with storm.
The thousands of fans meeting up, where pleased by a wonderful concert-without paying anything.
“We wish to give our fans a free concert, to thank them for the support” did they boys say to the media.
And that the fans got a hell of a show, was not hard to see in the pictures. With the well knowned Hollywoodmark in the backround, the boys preformed many of the Tokio Hotel hits.
The boys, that in 2007 realiced the album Scream, are now back in studio, where they are working on a new album. If the boys are planning on taking up the cancelled Europa ture, is still unknown, but we hope that they will visit Norway, at least with the next record.

Bill no se podía abrir más de piernas...

¡Qué gracioso! pone: T-O-M (¿os habeis fijado?)